How do I add a page to my site?

Concrete5 sitemapWith concrete5, your whole site is organized in a tree. You can see what your site's architecture looks like by going to the Dashboard > Sitemap:

Adding pages in concrete5.7 is different from earlier versions of concrete5. You now have a drafts section where you can work on pages that have no place in your live site yet.

Adding A Page From The Front End

Concrete5 Add Page ButtonTo add a page, click the Pages icon in your main tool bar.

Concrete5 New Page WindowThe top section of this tab shows the page types that are available for the current editor to add.

Click Empty Page and you are instantly taken to a new page in edit mode and you can start dragging blocks wherever you want them.

Click a page type like Job Posting or Portolfio Project and you will be instantly taken to Composer for a new page of that type so you can quickly enter the required meta data.

When you're ready to publish your page, make sure you've given it a name and a parent from the Settings > Composer tab.

Page Drafts

At the bottom of the pages tab you'll see a drafts section. This lists all the pages you've been working on but have not yet picked a location and published.

Concrete5 Page Drafts

Every site is built differently, so you will see different options for page types, based on your site's needs. The above is just an example of page types that might be on a website.

Adding Pages FromThe Dashboard

Pages can also be added through your site's Full Sitemap by clicking on the page name in which you'd like to add the new page beneath, then choosing the Add Page option from the menu, as shown here:

Concrete5 Add Page From Sitemap

You can then choose your page type and fill in the page details:

Concrete5 Add Page Window

To publish the page as-is, you can click the blue Publish Page button, but if content edits/additions are needed before the page is published, you'll want to click on the green Edit Mode button, which will take you out to the page in Edit Mode.